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“Girly-girl” Culture Subject of First Beckham Lecture

The Department of Communications will present the first of three lectures in the Raymond E. and Ida Lee Beckham Lecture in Communications series on Thursday, September 19.

The speaker, BYU’s Dr. Sarah Coyne, will deliver her lecture titled, “Are Disney Princesses Good for Little Girls?  How Princesses Are Contributing to Our Increasingly ‘Girly-Girl’ Culture.”

Dr. Coyne is an Associate Professor in the School of Family Life.  She earned her PhD in Psychology from the University of Central Lancashire.  She has co-authored research featured in several publications such as: Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Journal of Adolescent Research, and Journal of Communication.  She is a member of Society for Research on Adolescence, Society for Research in Child Development, and International Society for Research on Aggression.

This event is open to the public.  All communications students are encouraged to attend this lecture, which will be held in the library auditorium at 11:00 a.m.

The other two lectures in the series will take place on October 3 and October 31.  More details on these events to follow.