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Broadcast student places second in Hearst National Championship


This past week Matt Rascon, a broadcast student from La Mesa, Calif., placed second in the Hearst National Championship, winning $4,000. The competition evaluated the participants’ writing, photography, radio, television and multimedia skills in rigorous on-the-spot assignments.

The complete listing of winners are as follows:

First Place, Shayne Dwyer, Arizona State University, $5,000 award
Second Place, Matt Rascon, Brigham Young University, $4,000 award
Third Place, Omar Jimenez, Northwestern University, $3,000 award

The William Randolph Hearst Foundation was established by its namesake in 1948 under California non-profit laws, exclusively for educational and charitable purposes.  Since then, the Hearst Foundations have contributed nearly 1 billion dollars to numerous educational programs, health and medical care, human services and the arts in every state.