“In the fast-paced, ever changing world into which our students graduate, they need guides who can help them bridge the educational and professional worlds. We have no better group of mentors who can provide this kind of help than our capable alumni, who have already found their way into positions of influence and responsibility in their disciplines.”
Stephen Jones
The purpose of the Mentorship Program is to provide students in the BYU School of Communications with the opportunity to interact with professionals in the student’s area of interest and for the student to learn from the perspective of a professional in the industry.
Recent research indicates 85 percent of all jobs are found by networking. Forming friendships, connections and business relationships is a practice that will help you land an internship, secure your first job, or transition between jobs down the road. When done well, networking helps you build relationships with people who genuinely want to see you succeed. The Mentorship Program also gives alumni the opportunity to give back and mentor current students. As former students, you can help prepare the next generation of professionals. Your help is invaluable.
The mentors listed below are a selection of alumni who have agreed to mentor students. For a full listing or to sign up, login to BYU Connect.
Provide your BYU NetID and basic background information and then start exploring through the alumni database.
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Find a Mentor
Search through mentor options to find someone that matches your interests and goals. Use keywords such as a major, an industry or a job title to search for professionals.
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Make a Connection
Contact a professional via email to set up a time to connect in one of four ways: meeting for lunch, phone call, video call or job shadowing.
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Create a Profile
Use your BYU NetID to login to BYU Connect. Create a profile.
(If you don’t already have BYU NetID, it is a one-time process that will take just a few minutes. Follow this link and fill out the requested information. This personal information will be authenticated against university records to verify your status as a BYU alumnus or alumna.)
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Respond to Students
BYU Connect allows you to determine how involved you would like to be as a mentor. Students will receive your contact information after a match is made. Once contacted, please respond in a timely manner.