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Gabe Guerrero


Year Graduated:


Major / Minor:

Public Relations

First job out of college:

Public Relations Associate, Method Communications

Other career highlights:

  • Corporate Communications and Marketing, Nu Skin Enterprises
  • Sr. Marketing and Product Development Manager, Jamberry
  • Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Unicity International Inc.

What makes me unique:

I consider myself to be a well-rounded individual who can thrive in most situations and am able to relate to people from all backgrounds and belief systems. Not being a native English speaker provided a considerable challenge when I moved to the U.S as a high school student. Choosing a career where written and verbal effectiveness are imperative to my success and that of my clients and employers was daunting, but it provided a challenge that has proven to be rewarding in my career. By the time I graduated BYU, I had been blessed with three beautiful and rather energetic children – with two more babies joining our growing family soon after.