Maureen "Mo" Elinzano Skip to main content

Maureen "Mo" Elinzano

Deputy Digital Director, United States Senate

Year Graduated:

April 2018

Major / Minor:

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Mass Communications, Ballard Center Scholar

First job out of college:

United States Senate, Deputy Digital Director

(U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Assistant Democratic Leader)

Other career highlights:

United States House of Representatives, Press and Legislative Intern (U.S. Representative Susan Davis (CA-53))

Teen Vogue

Contributing Writer (Politics, College, Tech, Current Events)

What makes me unique:

  • Birthplace: San Diego, California
  • Current City: Washington, D.C.
  • Received my Bachelor’s degrees in Journalism and Art History at New York University (NYU), where I got to graduate from Yankee Stadium!
  • Worked at ELLE Magazine and Us Weekly in New York City, where I interviewed celebrities including Mindy Kaling, Questlove, and Kardashians
  • Co-wrote a paper while I was at BYU with my classmates about selfies that was published in a scholarly journal and then went viral, being featured on major magazine websites and on the TODAY Show!
  • Wrote my Master’s thesis on celebrity selfies