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BYU students travel for school conferences

Ee Chien Chua, the president of the BYU chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America, has attended two consecutive PRSSA National Conferences in San Francisco, Calif. and Philadelphia, Pa.

“These conferences allow you to meet others in your field who face the same problems,” said Chua, also a BYU senior majoring in public relations from Singapore. “You get to brainstorm with them and share different ideas you have for your local chapter and learn from one another. It also allows you to understand differing points of view, sometimes agreeing to disagree.”

Chua loves traveling because of the exposure to different cultures and people that one experiences. He urges students to take advantage of such opportunities while they are in college.

“Whether you’re visiting a city or place for the first time, or you’ve visited many times, traveling gives you a broad exposure to different things in the world,” Chua said. “You gain exposure to different cultures, foods and history. What I love most about traveling, for these conferences, are the different people I get to meet. Whether they are from a different school or a company I’m interested in, you learn so much by meeting others. Once you’re out of college, you will have so many more responsibilities to tie you down. Be a college student, live on the edge a little. It will be worth every penny.”

Read the rest of the article in The Digital Universe.