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Newsline Broadcast Lab

Our broadcast lab is a state-of the-art news production facility. The newsroom is equipped with Avid iNews for script writing and Newscutter for video editing. Television production facilities include GrassValley Ignite automation, robotic cameras, Kenoflo studio lighting and an Avid Deko character generator. The studio is equipped with two outside studio drops for live shots. Students can also access a variety of portable digital video cameras for field work.

Newsline is the award-winning student-produced live television newscast, seen weekdays at noon on KBYU-TV, Channel 11. Newsline regularly receives annual awards and recognition for its outstanding work. Recent awards include: Top TV Newscast Finalist, 1st Place TV General News Reporting, and 1st Place TV In-Depth Reporting, in addition to numerous awards received by students for individual projects.

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