The Unifying Power of Service: Journalism Students Talk About Their Experience Working on the Black 14 Documentary
April 26, 2023 10:11 PM
BYU journalism students spent this past spring and summer working on a documentary to tell the story of the Black 14, the University of Wyoming football players who were kicked off their team in October 1969. The documentary will premiere Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. ...
Students from BYU’s journalism program traveled to 11 states in 10 days and interviewed four of the 14 football players to produce a documentary on their story of reconciliation with the University of Wyoming and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“I decided to get involved with the Black 14 project because I was excited about telling this story,” BYU journalism student Shyler Johnson said. …
Along with Johnson, BYU journalism students Carly Wasserlein, Caroline Clark, Elisabeth Ahlstrom and Abigail Gunderson participated in the project. …
“The only way we can move forward together is by serving others,” Gunderson said. “The one thing that stood out to me while being involved in this project was how healing and unifying service was.”