Financial Aid for Internships Skip to main content

Financial Aid for Internships

Please note that many scholarship and financial aid opportunities are typically due FEBRUARY 1ST. The BYU Scholarship Application deadline is typically February 1st but is subject to change. Please check with enrollment services to verify when the scholarship application deadline is each year. The Communications Scholarship application deadline may change each year. In previous years, the deadline has been in December, so please be sure to check the Communications Scholarship website frequently.

Students fulfilling the internship credit required for graduation will be required to pay tuition on those credits. Sometimes it can be burdensome to not only do an unpaid internship, but to also have to pay tuition. To help with the cost of tuition during an internship, there are various financial resources for students needing assistance, many of which are linked to below.

We encourage students to apply for any and all merit-based or need-based scholarships they qualify for.

Before you apply for need-based resources, please remember the words of President Spencer W. Kimball:

“The responsibility for each person’s social, emotional, spiritual, physical or economic well-being rests first upon himself, second upon his family, and third upon the Church if he is a faithful member thereof. No true Latter-day Saint, while physically or emotionally able, will voluntarily shift the burden of his own family’s well-being to someone else.”

Lastly, please be aware that most university or federally funded scholarships/aid have a minimum credit requirement. Very rarely does the 4.0 credits for the internship course fulfill this requirement. If you need additional credits, but will be unable to attend classes on campus, please talk to the main office secretaries about the possibility of enrolling in 398R (Projects in Communications) or 495R (Research & Readings in Communications Practice).

Internship Financial Aid Info (PDF VERSION)